Many Physic Principles Well Illustrated By These Experiment Designs.

A very scientific design using physic principles to illustrate potential energy, kinetic energy, lever system,electronic gadzet and etc--to produce work output. it may seem a bit absurd ,might be using a bit camera trick to cover up the effiency of the machine system. Nevertheless it is very excellent and unique, seemingly real and workable by established principles in physicsDont' miss. Check-In ==>XXXXX . Remember to come back here to the blog.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Nutrition and Elements Body Needs.

Biology: Atoms
Nutrition: What are Nutrients?
We all hear about nutrients, but do we really know what they really are? How do they help us grow? Watch and learn about the six basic nutrients the body requires... and more!
Nutrition: Complex Carbohydrates

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