Many Physic Principles Well Illustrated By These Experiment Designs.

A very scientific design using physic principles to illustrate potential energy, kinetic energy, lever system,electronic gadzet and etc--to produce work output. it may seem a bit absurd ,might be using a bit camera trick to cover up the effiency of the machine system. Nevertheless it is very excellent and unique, seemingly real and workable by established principles in physicsDont' miss. Check-In ==>XXXXX . Remember to come back here to the blog.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

chemistry: Atom, element, Bond and Periodic Table

Organic Chemistry: Covalent Bonds

Chemistry: The Elements

Introduction to the Periodic Table

Professor Martyn Poliakoff discusses the periodic table to introduce the websiteChemistry: The Periodic Table and Periodicity (clip)

The Periodic Table

Dr Jacob Bronowski explains Mendeleyev's discovery of how the elements connect. From "The Ascent of Man".

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