Numbers of videos = 784
CATAGORY:physics (477)==chemistry (24)==mathematics (16)==sport (18)==astrophysics (36)==electromagnetism (105)==Piero_and_Alberto_Angela (36)==Rai_Edu (25)==science (121)==funny_video (11)==history (157)==space_exploration (31)==
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american_history (55)==angular_momentum (10)==animals (15)==Apollo (21)==Archimede_principle (8)==harmonic_motion (6)==astrophysics (36)==atoms (4)==baricentrum (5)==battery (2)==Bernoulli_principle (9)==biochemistry (4)==black_body_radiation (6)==born (5)==calorimetry (42)==Cambodian_history (3)==cell (10)==centripetal_force (4)==chemicals (8)==chemical_elements (10)==chemical_reactions (8)==chemistry (24)==circulatory apparatus (13)==classical_mechanics (142)==cocaine (1)==cold_war (8)==composite_motion (9)==conservation_laws (16)==Coriolis_force (5)==Coronet (33)==Coulomb_force (4)==coupled_oscillators (7)==doping (9)==dynamics (89)==dynamics_principles (19)==effetto_doppler (4)==elastic_force (6)==electromagnetic_waves== (22)==electromagnetism (105)==electrons (13)==electrostatic (15)==electrotecnics (16)==elementary_particles (2)==energy (21)==ESP (6)==Eureka (30)==fluidodynamics (26)==fossil (3)==friction_force (3)==funny_video (11)==geometrical_optics (3)==geophysics (12)==German_history (13)==gravity_force (8)==gyroscope (7)==healt_education (18)==heart (13)==heat (28)==history (157)==history_of_physics (1)==immune_system (2)==indian_history (1)==insuline (5)==intestine (1)==Israeli_history (7)==italian_history (24)==japanese_history (20)==Joule_effect (4)==Julius_Sumner (54)==kinematics (42)==laboratory (10)==lungs (5)==magnetic_field (7)==mass-volume-density (2)==mathematics (16)==measurement_instruments (1)==medicine (74)==MIT (25)==MIT_8.01 (36)==MIT_8.02 (36)==MIT_8.03 (24)==moment_of_inertia (5)==momentum (7)==nuclear_reactions (5)oscillations (80)Pascal_principle (6)==pH (1)==phase_transition (4)==physics (477)==Piero_and_Alberto_Angela (36)==pressure (2)==prof._Walter_Lewin (97)==PSSC_physics (26)==quantum_mechanics (10)==radioactivity (1)==Rai_Edu (25)==reference_systems (10)==relative_motion (5)==relativity_theory (5)==resonance (9)==samurai (5)==science (121)==simple_machines (8)==smell (1)==smoke (4)==soap_bubbles (2)==solar_system (30)==sound (22)==Soviet_history (14)==space_exploration (31)==sport (18)==Standing_waves (3)==stars (8)==states_of_matter (18)==Stevin_law (4)==surface_tension (3)==technology (5)==temperarture (17)==termodynamics (20)==termodynamics_principles (3)==termodynamic_transformations (11)==topology (4)==uncertainty_principle (1)==vectors (3)==view (4)==visible_light (13)== vocal cords (2)==volcanoes (2)==water (15)==weight (5)==work (10)==WWI (3)==WWII (35)==
Get College Credit For Using YouTube
Have you ever wanted to get college credit just for watching videos on YouTube? Well, you can get pretty close at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. The course is called “Learning from YouTube” and students are encouraged to post their own videos as well as comment on others. Although students do have a set meeting time in a classroom, most of their work is done outside of class through the Learning from YouTube channel as well as through exploring the site.
I think it’s great that technology is being incorporated more and more into the classroom setting. It’s important for us to learn about new innovations and keep up with developments so that we can communicate effectively in our rapidly changing society. I would definitely be interested in taking a course like this if I was given the chance. I’ve always liked the concept of video websites and I’d definitely like to learn more about them. Watch for future postings from me about the impact of YouTube on our culture. Oh, and check out some of the other bizarre course offerings on the web. It seems like you can get credit for just about anything nowadays. My favorite? ”Shopping: Desire, Compulsion, and Consumption” at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, which will (oddly enough) get you religion credit. So keep an open mind during advance class selection this year and you could find yourself studying new technologies or at least discussing something important, like “The Simpsons and Philosophy.”[FROM: Heather’s Innovation and New Technologies Blog]
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